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He wrote the letter to the Philippians during his confinement as he waited for the time when he would stand trial before Caesar. Paul was a prisoner for the cause of Christ. What a refreshing and remarkable contrast the Apostle Paul is to this Texas prisoner. A bitter and angry man could certainly find some satisfaction in producing such a key, leaving officials to wonder how he possibly obtained it, and then managed to conceal it until his final breath. One does not know for certain, but it would almost appear that this was his final act of rebellion. In the final seconds of his life, Wilkerson turned his head to the side and-to the amazement of prison officials-spit out a key that was used on handcuffs and leg restraints. Physical force and additional restraints were required to strap him down to his gurney. Prior to his execution, Wilkerson declined a last meal, refused to tell prison officials how to dispose of his body, and refused to leave his holding cell near the death chamber. Last month, he held a guard hostage during a 13-hour standoff with prison officials. This was but one of his two attempts to escape. He was one of those who attempted to escape from death row in the Ellis Unit at Huntsville on Thanksgiving night, 1998. This past week, convicted murderer Ponchai Wilkerson was executed in Huntsville, Texas.

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